The Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy (ARENA) is a unique circumpolar knowledge sharing program about isolated power systems integration held in partnership with Canada, Gwich’in Council International, the U.S. and Iceland. ARENA is designed specifically for individuals living and working in remote circumpolar Arctic communities.
Combining visits to communities and participant knowledge exchanges with presentations and laboratory demonstrations, ARENA connects current and emerging energy professionals with hands-on learning experiences, mentors, and project development leaders from throughout the circumpolar north.
In 2017, ARENA was piloted as a project endorsed by the Arctic Council's Sustainable Development Working Group. The United States, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Gwich'in Council International, and the Aleut International Association co-led the program.
Each participant will gain the knowledge, skills and tools they need, and will develop a network with whom they can collaborate over the long haul.
Participants will work on a specific, tangible aspect of a real-world project of their choice, incorporating what they have learned from their mentors, colleagues, training and site visits.
Inter-regional sharing of energy system experiences, challenges and opportunities helps us all move towards our shared goal of a sustainable future.
The need to shift to low-carbon energy solutions is a global imperative. Integrating locally available renewable energy supplies with fossil fuel generating systems in microgrids can profoundly change the way we address our needs for electrical power, space conditioning and transportation.