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Sharing knowledge and establishing professional networks related to energy resources for remote Arctic communities.

News & Announcements

2024-25 ARENA Cohort Selected

Get to know the 2024-25 ARENA Program Cohort! This year's selected participants will be joining from across the United States, Canada, and Norway.

That's a wrap!

The 2022-23 ARENA Program came to a close in Whitehorse in late January. Visit the program page for a summary and final report from the 2022-23 Program.

ARENA In Kotzebue

The ARENA Program was featured in a write-up in the Arctic Sounder (Read it HERE), and interviewed by the local public radio station KOTZ (Listen to it HERE).


Thoughts from 2017 Participants

  • “ARENA has helped us a lot to move our project forward and have resources for our questions. Throughout the way, I’ve been able to draw from folks in the group and my own energy literacy.”

    ARENA participant, Yukon Territory, Canada
  • “The biggest benefit of ARENA was being a part of a diverse co-hort. Meeting peers from across the Arctic and traveling together built lasting connections that continue to inform my work today – perhaps more so now than ever.”

    ARENA Participant, Alaska, United States
  • “The site visits enabled us to appreciate the commonalities as well as the differences between our regions, to get to know each other, our strengths and our interests, and to develop lasting friendships that are much more than professional networking. These friendships have already borne fruit.”

    ARENA participant, Ontario, Canada
  • “ARENA gave me the knowledge and confidence to successfully apply for a grant, and a network of peers to call with specific project and administration questions. Connections to ARENA participants helped catalyze this and other projects. I would not have been successful without ARENA.”

    ARENA participant, Alaska, United States