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About the ARENA Webinar Series

The ARENA webinar series introduces viewers to the remote energy networks (microgrids) that provide power and heat across the Arctic.

The webinars have been pre-recorded in English, and are packaged as self-contained modules that can be watched as streamed media or downloaded for off- line viewing. Examples and case studies are included from multiple Arctic locations for each topic.

List of available webinars

Topic Description Availability
Remote Energy Networks in the Arctic

Introduction to ARENA program and overview of remote energy networks across the Arctic, with emphasis on integration of locally available renewable energy resources.

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Diesel Power Plants

Attributes of diesel-fueled power generation systems for Arctic microgrids, including current experience with their operation and control when integrated with renewable energy resources.

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Variable Renewable Energy Resources in the Arctic –Solar

Discussion of Arctic-appropriate solar energy systems at community-scale power levels, addressing resource assessment considerations, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal options, and integration with other energy resources.

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Variable Renewable Energy Resources in the Arctic – Wind

Discussion of Arctic wind energy resources, Arctic wind turbine technologies, Arctic-specific installation / integration challenges, and integration with other energy system elements.

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Electrical Energy Storage

Key principles, technologies and in-field examples related to the integration of electrical energy storage with diesel and hybrid diesel/renewable-energy systems

May 25, 2017
Integrated Energy Perspectives – Heat Generation and Distribution (Part I)

Introduction to district heating systems, discussing their attributes, options, and benefits as either stand-alone or integrated elements of an overall community energy system.

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Integrated Energy Perspectives – Heat Generation and Distribution (Part II)

Approach for design of effective district heating systems, including requirements analysis, development of system-level architecture and component-specific attributes, and tools for predicting performance.

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Project Development & Community Involvement

Principles related to community participation for unerstanding and focusing on local priorities and commitments, with insights from past experience (positive and negative) related to the development of sustainable energy projects in Arctic communities.

May 9, 2017
Basic Economics of Remote Arctic Energy Systems

Identification of primary factors determining operating costs for Arctic microgrids and strategies for their mitigation.

May 23, 2017
Firm Renewable Energy Resources in the Arctic – Hydropower and Geothermal

Attributes of Arctic hydropower and geothermal energy resources, including the tools for assessing resource potential and the techniques for harnessing viable resources where available.

April 4, 2017
Remote Utility Management

Key issues related to the management of Arctic microgrids, from the perspective of those who manage these utilities.

May 16, 2017
Firm Renewable Energy Resources in the Arctic – Biomass

Discussion of best practices related to resource assessment, feedstock harvest / processing, and energy conversion technologies for sustainable and affordable biomass energy systems.

May 2, 2017
Subsidies, Policies and Renewable Energy Development

Past experience and future trends related to funding and policy mechanisms related to effective implementation of renewable energy resource development.

May 30, 2017